JAN   THEUNINCK    -   Bélgica

"Ypérite "


tard le soir

un brouillard

commence à remplir

la vallée

Sans le savoir

il nous étouffe

et nous étrangle

comme un pouvoir


Sur les champs

restent nos cadavres

et sous le vert

de nos plaines

une terre brune .


" Yperite "


late at night

a mist

fills the valley.

without knowing

it suffocates

like a dark power.

on the fields

our dead bodies

and under the grass

a brown soil







Quand tu es parti

pour le front

tu étais

un héros vivant

et maintenant

tu es sur le haut

de la colline

où il n’y a que

des coquelicots

qui fleurissent




when you left

for the front

you were

living heroes

and now

you're on top

of the hill

where only





"Stalag Zehn B"


le feldwebel est devenu général

le docteur du camp , professeur

et nous les juifs - c'est banal -

on est resté juif - pas d'erreur .



"Stalag Zehn B"


the feldwebel became a general

the campdoctor , a professor

and we the jews - it's banal

we stayed jewish - no error .


Jan Theuninck was born(54.06.07) in Zonnebeke,Belgium. Also known under the pen name of ORC(°1954),a few of his poems became famous e.g. "Stalag Zehn B","Papirac","Yperite" ,"Tyne Cot" and "Shoa" , which is an early warning against an ideological hate .Native speaker in Dutch , he writes in French , sometimes in English .His poetry has been translated in many languages and is given in courses at different universities